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Port Dickinson Elementary Home

Port Dickinson Elementary (Pre-K - Grade 2)

 Port Dickinson Elementary building
Address: 770 Chenango Street, Binghamton, NY 13901
Mailing Address: 221 Chenango Bridge Road, Binghamton, NY 13901
Main Office: (607) 762-6970
Fax number: (607) 762-6979
Attendance: (607) 762-6849
Health Office: (607) 762-6973
Health Office Fax: (607) 762-6888


 Ms. Jessica Carl
(607) 762-6970
Quick Links
calendar cover
2024-2025 District Calendar/Family Guide PDF: Click Here
*Please reference the main district website calendar for the most up-to-date information on events.
Attendance Matters Flyer: Click Here


Pre-K/Kindergarten Registration Information: Click Here

Little Warriors Handbook
(Last Update: April 2024)

Please Note: The information in this booklet is subject to change based on local, state, and federal guidelines/information. School officials will provide updates and updates will also be available on the district website.

Pre-K Booklet CoverChenango Valley Pre-K Booklet
(Last Update: March 2024)
Please Note: Information in this booklet is subject to change. Updates will be provided by school officials and shared on the district website.