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Voice Recognition


Our Philosophy

Our school counselors view each student as an individual with unique abilities, background, emotions, personal traits and goals, and we approach students' needs accordingly. We acknowledge the innate dignity and worth of every student, regardless of academic potential and ability. Beginning with class scheduling, we recognize the differences among students, and each student is scheduled individually, with significant consideration of aptitudes, interests and goals.

The one-to-one relationship between the school counselor and student is extremely important, as is the mutual understanding that the ultimate responsibility for a student's success rests with the parents/guardians. As such, we strive to maintain effective communication among the guidance department, the student, and their parents/guardians. Decisions affecting a student's course of study, scheduling or changes that would affect future plans are referred to parents/guardians before action is taken.

CV Guidance Department Contact Information (including social workers and school counselors):

Working Papers

For information on the working paper process for students: Click Here
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