Chenango Valley’s Community Night was back and full of resources and exciting activities on March 18! The event was held throughout the Chenango Valley Middle School.
This event wouldn't be possible without the support of our Warrior Community. We would like to provide a huge thank you to the following volunteers, community partners, and individuals who helped to make this year's Community Night a success:
- Broome County Sheriff’s Office - Booth
- Check-In - Tom Curry (Chenango Bridge Elementary Principal) and Mary Beth Hammond (Port Dickinson Elementary Principal)
- Chenango Valley Athletic Club – Booth
- Chenango Valley Board of Education
- Chenango Valley Elementary PTA - Booth
- Chenango Valley Facilities and Maintenance Department
- Chenango Valley Food Services
- Chenango Valley High School Interact Club - Games and Activity Booths
- Cornell Cooperative Extension – Career Bound Team - Booth
- Cub Scouts Pack 155 (Chenango Bridge) - Booth
- CV Cheer - Performance
- Dr. Gill and the Chenango Valley Administration
- Family Violence Prevention Council - Booth
- Fenton Free Library - Booth
- Greater Opportunities – Chenango Valley Early Head Start/Head Start - Booth
- Hillcrest Fire Department – Booth and Fire Truck
- Lourdes Mobile Dental - Booth
- Mothers and Babies Perinatal Network - Booth
- Popcorn - Served by Jen Ostrander (CV High School Principal) and Michelle Feyerabend (CV Assistant Superintendent)
- Port Dickinson Fire Department – Booth and Fire Truck
- Raffle Help - Beth Hubenthal (MS Social Worker) and Suzanne Stephenson (Director of Data and Accountability)
- Will Stafford - Juggling/Unicycle Routine
- WSKG/PBS Kids - Booth
Special thanks to Dr. Andrew Blaine (Director of Curriculum), Jackie DeAngelo (Community Schools Coordinator), and Johanna Hickey (Director of Pupil Services) for their work in organizing this event!