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Author Visits CV Elementary Schools
A superhero lion named Draggle who lives in a whipped cream bottle, but someone is shaking it?! This sounds like the start of an interesting storyline…

In fact, these creative thoughts came from Port Dickinson Elementary second grade students as they helped author Bruce Hale to brainstorm a story idea.
students raising hands to help with story 

Mr. Hale visited with each grade level at Port Dickinson Elementary on October 22 and at Chenango Bridge Elementary on October 23. The Chenango Valley Elementary Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) also presented a special evening event on October 22 for Mr. Hale to share more with students and their families.
students taking part in activity 
students helping author brainstorm ideas 
author presenting to families 

During his time in their schools, Mr. Hale encouraged students to always use their imagination. He discussed topics such as inspiration and revision through fun and interactive activities. Mr. Hale reviewed the four main components of a story (main character, setting, a problem to solve, and a solution). He also shared a tip to help students avoid writer’s block, “Be an artist first and editor second.” 
 author wearing two hats

As students wrapped up their creative brainstorming sessions, Mr. Hale encouraged them to finish the stories on their own.
author with students and posters they created 
 bruce hale taking selfie with students
bruce hale and students in selfie 
Thank you for visiting, Mr. Hale!