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Students Learn About Instruments from Around the World
Professional musician and educator Jamie Hogetsu Orfanella visited Chenango Bridge Elementary on June 17 for “World Music Day” presentations.
 students watching presenter play didgeridoo
presenter showing students musical 
Mr. Orfanella demonstrated instruments including the shakuhachi flute from Japan and the didgeridoo from Australia for each fifth grade class. Students were amazed by all of the unique instruments and their accompanying melodies.
students watching presenter play instrument 
presenter showing students instrument 
These presentations were a great way to connect social studies, music and the arts for students, as Mr. Orfanella shared his love of music and how it links to culture and traditions around the world. 
Funding for the visit was made possible with help from The BaCh.
wide shot of presenter in classroom

You can see more information about Mr. Orfanella at: