Voice Recognition

Chenango Valley Central School District News Article

Port Dickinson Celebrates Positive Actions with Golden Awards

 Port Dickinson Elementary is excited to continue celebrating Golden Awards this school year! The Golden Lunch Tray and Golden Whistle Awards honor classes and individual students who demonstrate leadership in the lunchroom and on the playground. Wonderful job to these classes and students for setting a positive example!

November 2024 Golden Awards
Lunch Tray - Locke (class) & Morgan B. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Cook (class) & Charlotte B. (Student Shout Out)
kindgergarten golden awards for November 2024

Grade 1
Lunch Tray - Gill (class) & Ruby S. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Gilroy (class) & Hannah R. (Student Shout Out)
grade 1 golden awards for November 2024

Grade 2
Lunch Tray - Ehrensbeck (class) & Paxton M. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Mercik (class) & Kate T. (Student Shout Out)
grade 2 golden awards for November 2024

October 2024 Golden Awards
Lunch Tray - Cook (class) & Nora S. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Locke (class) & Milani S. (Student Shout Out)
Top Right Image: A group of kindergarten students standing on stage holding the Golden Lunch Tray award, labeled "Golden Lunch Tray - Cook." Middle Right Image: Another group of students on stage holding the Golden Whistle award, labeled "Golden Whistle - Locke." Top Left Image: A student holding a "Golden Star Student Shout Out" certificate for October, smiling at the camera. Bottom Left Image: Another student holding a "Golden Star Student Shout Out" certificate for October. Bottom Center Text: Bold text reading "October 2024 Golden Awards! Kindergarten" with a cartoon of a knight mascot holding a "Little Warriors" flag in the lower right corner.
Grade 1:
Lunch Tray - Gilroy (class) & Everly M. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Stocum (class) & Aubrey D. (Student Shout Out)
Top Right Image: A group of first-grade students on stage holding the Golden Lunch Tray award, labeled "Golden Lunch Tray - Gilroy." Bottom Right Image: Another group of students holding the Golden Whistle award, labeled "Golden Whistle - Stocum." Top Left Image: A student smiling and holding a Golden Lunch Tray award. Bottom Left Image: Another student holding a "Golden Star Student Shout Out" certificate for October. Bottom Center Text: Bold text reading "October 2024 Golden Awards! Grade 1" with the cartoon knight mascot holding a "Little Warriors" flag in the lower right corner.
Grade 2:
Lunch Tray - Dellapenna (class) & Zaiden P. (Student Shout Out)
Whistle - Cody (class) & Cole A. (Student Shout Out)
Top Right Image: A group of second-grade students on stage, holding the Golden Lunch Tray award, labeled "Golden Lunch Tray - Dellapenna." Bottom Right Image: Another group of students holding the Golden Whistle award, labeled "Golden Whistle - Cody." Left Image: Two students each holding a "Golden Star Student Shout Out" certificate for October. Bottom Center Text: Bold text reading "October 2024 Golden Awards! Grade 2" with the same cartoon knight mascot holding a "Little Warriors" flag in the lower right corner.

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