Voice Recognition

Chenango Valley Central School District News Article

Jared Campbell Inspires Students at CV Elementary Schools

Singer/songwriter Jared Campbell brought his energy and talent to Port Dickinson and Chenango Bridge Elementary Schools on November 26, inspiring and entertaining students with his music.

At Port Dickinson Elementary in the morning, Jared’s songs including themes such as respect, responsibility, and good sportsmanship had students rocking out—there was even some air guitar!

wide shot of Jared Campbell singing to Port Dickinson Elementary studentsup-close of Jared Campbell singingstudents singing and doing air guitarstudents singing alongstudents watching performance and smiling

In the afternoon, he visited Chenango Bridge Elementary, where he connected with older students through themes such as leadership and good character. Students and staff alike enjoyed motivational messages and uplifting songs.

Jared Campbell talking to studentsJordan Campbell singing with image of Abraham Lincoln in the background
students and staff listening to Jared Campbell sing in the multipurpose room
up-close of Jared Campbell singing

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